The Frog Page
You clicked on the frog, which must mean you love frogs! Or, that you love clicking. :) Who knows?! But, you are here, and you have discovered that I have a sense of humor, and I LOVE FROGS.
I used to dig them up as a child, under the landscaping logs in our yard. If I could not find them there, I would seek them in the trees and ditches around my house.
We are not alone in our frog affinity.
Frogs have been the center of folklore, myth, art, and story since truly the beginning of time.
Of course, you likely know the Frog Prince story. But, the symbolism of the Frog stretches well beyond this tale, and in ways that I relate to and bring into my counseling work.
resilience. transformation. Imperfection
There are also some really fun stories out there about Frogs. I recommend looking up, The Two Frogs: A Japanese Folktale, and here is a fun poem I discovered told from the perspective of a bird.
What a queer bird
What a queer bird, the frog are
When he sit he stand (almost)
When he walk he fly (almost)
When he talk he cry (almost)
He ain't got no sense, hardly
He ain't got no tail, neither, hardly
He sit on what he ain't got hardly
The author is unknown, but whoever it is seems to have a grasp on some essentials of the human (and, apparently ‘bird’) condition!;) I would love to hear what you think!
So, why am I sharing all this with you? The truth is…frogs remind me to accept my imperfections, and to persevere through transitions so that I will continue to grow—with grace.
I hope to learn more about what inspires you throughout our work together!